Source code for deepreplay.replay

from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
import h5py
import keras.backend as K
from keras.models import load_model
from .plot import (
    build_2d_grid, FeatureSpace, ProbabilityHistogram, LossHistogram, LossAndMetric, LayerViolins
from .plot import (
    FeatureSpaceData, FeatureSpaceLines, ProbHistogramData, LossHistogramData, LossAndMetricData, LayerViolinsData
from .utils import make_batches, slice_arrays
from itertools import groupby
from operator import itemgetter

ACTIVATIONS = ['softmax', 'relu', 'elu', 'tanh', 'sigmoid', 'hard_sigmoid', 'linear', 'softplus', 'softsign', 'selu']
Z_OPS = ['BiasAdd', 'MatMul', 'Add', 'Sub', 'Mul', 'Maximum', 'Minimum', 'RealDiv', 'ExpandDims']

[docs]class Replay(object): """Creates an instance of Replay, to process information collected by the callback and generate data to feed the supported visualizations. Parameters ---------- replay_filename: String HDF5 filename used by the callback to store the training information. group_name: String Group inside the HDF5 file where the information was saved. model_filename: String, optional HDF5 filename of the saved Keras model. Default is the group_name with '_model' appended to it. Attributes ---------- feature_space: (FeatureSpace, FeatureSpaceData) FeatureSpace object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about original grid lines, data points and predictions. loss_histogram: (LossHistogram, LossHistogramData) LossHistogram object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about example's losses. loss_and_metric: (LossAndMetric, LossAndMetricData) LossAndMetric object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about loss and a given metric. probability_histogram: (ProbabilityHistogram, ProbHistogramData) ProbabilityHistogram object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about classification probabilities and targets. weights_violins: (LayerViolins, LayerViolinsData) LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about weights values per layer. activations_violins: (LayerViolins, LayerViolinsData) LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about activation values per layer. zvalues_violins: (LayerViolins, LayerViolinsData) LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about Z-values per layer. gradients_violins: (LayerViolins, LayerViolinsData) LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating; namedtuple containing information about gradient values per layer. weights_std: ndarray Standard deviation of the weights per layer. gradients_std: ndarray Standard deivation of the gradients per layer. training_loss: ndarray An array of shape (n_epochs, ) with training loss as reported by Keras at the end of each epoch. learning_rate: ndarray An array of shape (n_epochs, ) with learning rate as reported by Keras at the beginning of each epoch. """ def __init__(self, replay_filename, group_name, model_filename=''): # Set learning phase to TEST self.learning_phase = TEST_MODE # Loads ReplayData file self.replay_data = h5py.File('{}'.format(replay_filename), 'r') try: = self.replay_data[group_name] except KeyError: = self.replay_data[group_name + '_init'] group_name += '_init' self.group_name = group_name # If not informed, defaults to '_model' suffix if model_filename == '': model_filename = '{}_model.h5'.format(group_name) # Loads Keras model self.model = load_model(model_filename) # Retrieves some basic information from the replay data self.inputs =['inputs'][:] self.targets =['targets'][:] self.n_epochs =['n_epochs'] self.n_layers =['n_layers'] # Generates ranges for the number of different weight arrays in each layer self.n_weights = [range(len(['layer{}'.format(l)])) for l in range(self.n_layers)] # Retrieves weights as a list, each element being one epoch self.weights = self._retrieve_weights() # Gets Tensors for the weights in the same order as the layers # Keras' model.weights returns the Tensors in a different order! self._model_weights = [w for layer in self.model.layers for w in layer.weights] ### Functions # Keras function to get the outputs, given inputs and weights self._get_output = K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + self.model.inputs + self._model_weights, outputs=[self.model.layers[-1].output]) # Keras function to get the loss and metrics, given inputs, targets, weights and sample weights self._get_metrics = K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + self.model.inputs + self.model.targets + self._model_weights + self.model.sample_weights, outputs=[self.model.total_loss] + self.model.metrics_tensors) # Keras function to compute the binary cross entropy, given inputs, targets, weights and sample weights self._get_binary_crossentropy = K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + self.model.inputs + self.model.targets + self._model_weights + self.model.sample_weights, outputs=[K.binary_crossentropy(self.model.targets[0], self.model.outputs[0])]) # Keras function to compute the gradients for trainable weights, given inputs, targets, weights and # sample weights self.__trainable_weights = [w for layer in self.model.layers for w in layer.trainable_weights if layer.trainable and ('bias' not in] self.__trainable_gradients = self.model.optimizer.get_gradients(self.model.total_loss, self.__trainable_weights) self._get_gradients = K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + self.model.inputs + self.model.targets + self._model_weights + self.model.sample_weights, outputs=self.__trainable_gradients) def get_z_op(layer): op = layer.output.op if op.type in Z_OPS: return layer.output else: op_layer_name ='/')[0] for input in op.inputs: input_layer_name ='/')[0] if (input.op.type in Z_OPS) and (op_layer_name == input_layer_name): return input return None __z_layers = np.array([i for i, layer in enumerate(self.model.layers) if get_z_op(layer) is not None]) __act_layers = np.array([i for i, layer in enumerate(self.model.layers) if layer.output.op.type.lower() in ACTIVATIONS]) __z_layers = np.array([__z_layers[np.argmax(layer < __z_layers) - 1] for layer in __act_layers]) self.z_act_layers = [self.model.layers[i].name for i in __z_layers] self._z_layers = ['inputs'] + [self.model.layers[i].name for i in __z_layers] self._z_tensors = [K.identity(self.model.inputs)] + list(filter(lambda t: t is not None, [get_z_op(self.model.layers[i]) for i in __z_layers])) self._activation_layers = ['inputs'] + [self.model.layers[i].name for i in __act_layers] self._activation_tensors = [K.identity(self.model.inputs)] + [self.model.layers[i].output for i in __act_layers] # Keras function to compute the Z values given inputs and weights self._get_zvalues = K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + self.model.inputs + self._model_weights, outputs=self._z_tensors) # Keras function to compute the activation values given inputs and weights self._get_activations = K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + self.model.inputs + self._model_weights, outputs=self._activation_tensors) # Gets names of all layers with arrays of weights of lengths 1 (no biases) or 2 (with biases) # Layers without weights (e.g. Activation, BatchNorm) are not included self.weights_layers = [ for layer, weights in zip(self.model.layers, self.n_weights) if len(weights) in (1, 2)] # Attributes for the visualizations - Data self._feature_space_data = None self._loss_hist_data = None self._loss_and_metric_data = None self._prob_hist_data = None self._decision_boundary_data = None self._weights_violins_data = None self._activations_violins_data = None self._zvalues_violins_data = None self._gradients_data = None # Attributes for the visualizations - Plot objects self._feature_space_plot = None self._loss_hist_plot = None self._loss_and_metric_plot = None self._prob_hist_plot = None self._decision_boundary_plot = None self._weights_violins_plot = None self._activations_violins_plot = None self._zvalues_violins_plot = None self._gradients_plot = None def _make_batches(self, seed): inputs = self.inputs[:] targets = self.targets[:] np.random.seed(seed) np.random.shuffle(inputs) np.random.shuffle(targets) num_training_samples = inputs.shape[0] batches = make_batches(num_training_samples, self.params['batch_size']) index_array = np.arange(num_training_samples) inputs_batches = [] targets_batches = [] for batch_index, (batch_start, batch_end) in enumerate(batches): batch_ids = index_array[batch_start:batch_end] inputs_batch, targets_batch = slice_arrays([inputs, targets], batch_ids) inputs_batches.append(inputs_batch) targets_batches.append(targets_batch) return inputs_batches, targets_batches @staticmethod def __assign_gradients_to_layers(layers, gradients): return [list(list(zip(*g))[1]) for k, g in groupby(zip(layers, gradients), itemgetter(0))] def _retrieve_weights(self): # Retrieves weights for each layer and sequence of weights weights = [np.array(['layer{}'.format(l)]['weights{}'.format(w)]) for l, ws in enumerate(self.n_weights) for w in ws] # Since initial weights are also saved, there are n_epochs + 1 elements in total return [[w[epoch] for w in weights] for epoch in range(self.n_epochs + 1)] def _make_function(self, inputs, layer): """Creates a Keras function to return the output of the `layer` argument, given inputs and weights """ return K.function(inputs=[K.learning_phase()] + inputs + self._model_weights, outputs=[layer.output]) def _predict_proba(self, inputs, weights): return self._get_output([self.learning_phase, inputs] + weights) @property def decision_boundary(self): return self._decision_boundary_plot, self._decision_boundary_data @property def feature_space(self): return self._feature_space_plot, self._feature_space_data @property def loss_histogram(self): return self._loss_hist_plot, self._loss_hist_data @property def loss_and_metric(self): return self._loss_and_metric_plot, self._loss_and_metric_data @property def probability_histogram(self): return self._prob_hist_plot, self._prob_hist_data @property def weights_violins(self): return self._weights_violins_plot, self._weights_violins_data @property def activations_violins(self): return self._activations_violins_plot, self._activations_violins_data @property def zvalues_violins(self): return self._zvalues_violins_plot, self._zvalues_violins_data @property def gradients_violins(self): return self._gradients_plot, self._gradients_data @staticmethod def __calc_std(values): return np.array([[layer.std() for layer in epoch] for epoch in values]) @property def weights_std(self): std = None if self._weights_violins_data is not None: weights = self._weights_violins_data.values std = Replay.__calc_std(weights) return std @property def gradients_std(self): std = None if self._gradients_data is not None: gradients = self._gradients_data.values std = Replay.__calc_std(gradients) return std @property def training_loss(self): return['loss'][:] @property def learning_rate(self): return['lr'][:]
[docs] def get_training_metric(self, metric_name): """Returns corresponding metric as reported by Keras at the end of each epoch. Parameters ---------- metric_name: String Metric to return values for. Returns ------- metric: ndarray An array of shape (n_epochs, ) with the metric as reported by Keras at the end of each epoch. If the metric was not computed, returns an array of zeros with the same shape. """ try: metric =[metric_name][:] except KeyError: metric = np.zeros(shape=(self.n_epochs,)) return metric
[docs] def predict_proba(self, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Generates class probability predictions for the inputs samples by epoch. Parameters ---------- epoch_start: int, optional Initial epoch to return predicted probabilities for. epoch_end: int, optional Final epoch to return predicted probabilities for. Returns ------- probas: ndarray An array of shape (n_epochs, n_samples, 2) of probabi- lity predictions. """ if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) probas = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] probas.append(self._predict_proba(self.inputs, weights)[0]) probas = np.array(probas) return probas
[docs] def build_gradients(self, ax, layer_names=None, exclude_outputs=True, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating. Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. layer_names: list of Strings, optional If informed, plots only the listed layers. exclude_outputs: boolean, optional If True, excludes distribution of output layer. Default is True. If `layer_names` is informed, `exclude_outputs` is ignored. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- gradients_plot: LayerViolins An instance of a LayerViolins object to make plots and animations. """ if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) gradient_names = [ for layer in self.model.layers for w in layer.trainable_weights if layer.trainable and ('bias' not in] gradients = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] # Sample weights fixed to one! inputs = [self.learning_phase, self.inputs, self.targets] + weights + [np.ones(shape=self.inputs.shape[0])] grad = [w for v in Replay.__assign_gradients_to_layers(gradient_names, self._get_gradients(inputs=inputs)) for w in v] gradients.append(grad) if layer_names is None: layer_names = self.weights_layers if exclude_outputs: layer_names = layer_names[:-1] self._gradients_data = LayerViolinsData(names=gradient_names, values=gradients, layers=self.weights_layers, selected_layers=layer_names) if ax is None: self._gradients_plot = None else: self._gradients_plot = LayerViolins(ax, 'Gradients').load_data(self._gradients_data) return self._gradients_plot
[docs] def build_outputs(self, ax, before_activation=False, layer_names=None, include_inputs=True, exclude_outputs=True, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating. Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. before_activation: Boolean, optional If True, returns Z-values, that is, before applying the activation function. layer_names: list of Strings, optional If informed, plots only the listed layers. include_inputs: boolean, optional If True, includes distribution of inputs. Default is True. exclude_outputs: boolean, optional If True, excludes distribution of output layer. Default is True. If `layer_names` is informed, `exclude_outputs` is ignored. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- activations_violins_plot/zvalues_violins_plot: LayerViolins An instance of a LayerViolins object to make plots and animations. """ if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) if before_activation: title = 'Z-values' names = self._z_layers else: title = 'Activations' names = self._activation_layers outputs = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] inputs = [self.learning_phase, self.inputs] + weights if before_activation: outputs.append(self._get_zvalues(inputs=inputs)) else: outputs.append(self._get_activations(inputs=inputs)) if layer_names is None: layer_names = self.z_act_layers if exclude_outputs: layer_names = layer_names[:-1] if include_inputs: layer_names = ['inputs'] + layer_names data = LayerViolinsData(names=names, values=outputs, layers=self.z_act_layers, selected_layers=layer_names) if ax is None: plot = None else: plot = LayerViolins(ax, title).load_data(data) if before_activation: self._zvalues_violins_data = data self._zvalues_violins_plot = plot else: self._activations_violins_data = data self._activations_violins_plot = plot return plot
[docs] def build_weights(self, ax, layer_names=None, exclude_outputs=True, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a LayerViolins object to be used for plotting and animating. Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. layer_names: list of Strings, optional If informed, plots only the listed layers. exclude_outputs: boolean, optional If True, excludes distribution of output layer. Default is True. If `layer_names` is informed, `exclude_outputs` is ignored. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- weights_violins_plot: LayerViolins An instance of a LayerViolins object to make plots and animations. """ if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) names = [ for layer, weights in zip(self.model.layers, self.n_weights) if len(weights) in (1, 2)] n_weights = [(i, len(weights)) for layer, weights in zip(self.model.layers, self.n_weights) for i in weights] weights = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): # takes only the weights (i == 0), not the biases (i == 1) weights.append([w for w, (i, n) in zip(self.weights[epoch], n_weights) if (n in (1, 2)) and (i == 0)]) if layer_names is None: layer_names = self.weights_layers if exclude_outputs: layer_names = layer_names[:-1] self._weights_violins_data = LayerViolinsData(names=names, values=weights, layers=self.weights_layers, selected_layers=layer_names) if ax is None: self._weights_violins_plot = None else: self._weights_violins_plot = LayerViolins(ax, 'Weights').load_data(self._weights_violins_data) return self._weights_violins_plot
[docs] def build_loss_histogram(self, ax, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a LossHistogram object to be used for plotting and animating. The underlying data, that is, the binary cross-entropy loss per epoch and sample, can be later accessed as the second element of the `loss_histogram` property. Only binary cross entropy loss is supported! Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- loss_hist_plot: LossHistogram An instance of a LossHistogram object to make plots and animations. """ if self.model.loss != 'binary_crossentropy': raise NotImplementedError("Only binary cross-entropy is supported!") if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) binary_xentropy = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] # Sample weights fixed to one! inputs = [self.learning_phase, self.inputs, self.targets] + weights + [np.ones(shape=self.inputs.shape[0])] binary_xentropy.append(self._get_binary_crossentropy(inputs=inputs)[0].squeeze()) binary_xentropy = np.array(binary_xentropy) self._loss_hist_data = LossHistogramData(loss=binary_xentropy) self._loss_hist_plot = LossHistogram(ax).load_data(self._loss_hist_data) return self._loss_hist_plot
[docs] def build_loss_and_metric(self, ax, metric_name, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a LossAndMetric object to be used for plotting and animating. The underlying data, that is, the loss and metric per epoch, can be later accessed as the second element of the `loss_and_metric` property. Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. metric_name: String Metric to return values for. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- loss_and_metric_plot: LossAndMetric An instance of a LossAndMetric object to make plots and animations. """ if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) evaluations = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] # Sample weights fixed to one! inputs = [self.learning_phase, self.inputs, self.targets] + weights + [np.ones(shape=self.inputs.shape[0])] evaluations.append(self._get_metrics(inputs=inputs)) evaluations = np.array(evaluations) loss = evaluations[:, 0] try: metric = evaluations[:, self.model.metrics_names.index(metric_name)] except ValueError: metric = np.zeros(shape=(epoch_end - epoch_start + 1,)) self._loss_and_metric_data = LossAndMetricData(loss=loss, metric=metric, metric_name=metric_name) self._loss_and_metric_plot = LossAndMetric(ax).load_data(self._loss_and_metric_data) return self._loss_and_metric_plot
[docs] def build_probability_histogram(self, ax_negative, ax_positive, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a ProbabilityHistogram object to be used for plotting and animating. The underlying data, that is, the predicted probabilities and corresponding targets per epoch and sample, can be later accessed as the second element of the `probability_histogram` property. Only binary classification is supported! Parameters ---------- ax_negative: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. ax_positive: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- prob_hist_plot: ProbabilityHistogram An instance of a ProbabilityHistogram object to make plots and animations. """ if self.model.loss != 'binary_crossentropy': raise NotImplementedError("Only binary cross-entropy is supported!") if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) self._prob_hist_data = ProbHistogramData(prob=self.predict_proba(epoch_start, epoch_end), target=self.targets) self._prob_hist_plot = ProbabilityHistogram(ax_negative, ax_positive).load_data(self._prob_hist_data) return self._prob_hist_plot
[docs] def build_decision_boundary(self, ax, contour_points=1000, xlim=(-1, 1), ylim=(-1, 1), display_grid=True, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a FeatureSpace object to be used for plotting and animating the raw inputs and the decision boundary. The underlying data, that is, grid lines, inputs and contour lines, as well as the corresponding predictions for the contour lines, can be later accessed as the second element of the `decision_boundary` property. Only inputs with 2 dimensions are supported! Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. contour_points: int, optional Number of points in each axis of the contour. Default is 1,000. xlim: tuple of ints, optional Boundaries for the X axis of the grid. ylim: tuple of ints, optional Boundaries for the Y axis of the grid. display_grid: boolean, optional If True, display grid lines (for 2-dimensional inputs). Default is True. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- decision_boundary_plot: FeatureSpace An instance of a FeatureSpace object to make plots and animations. """ input_dims = self.model.input_shape[-1] assert input_dims == 2, 'Only layers with 2-dimensional inputs are supported!' if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) X = self.inputs y = self.targets y_ind = y.squeeze().argsort() X = X.squeeze()[y_ind].reshape(X.shape) y = y.squeeze()[y_ind] n_classes = len(np.unique(y)) # Builds a 2D grid and the corresponding contour coordinates grid_lines = np.array([]) if display_grid: grid_lines = build_2d_grid(xlim, ylim) contour_lines = build_2d_grid(xlim, ylim, contour_points, contour_points) get_predictions = self._make_function(self.model.inputs, self.model.layers[-1]) bent_lines = [] bent_inputs = [] bent_contour_lines = [] bent_preds = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] bent_lines.append(grid_lines) bent_inputs.append(X) bent_contour_lines.append(contour_lines) inputs = [TEST_MODE, contour_lines.reshape(-1, 2)] + weights output_shape = (contour_lines.shape[:2]) + (-1,) # Makes predictions for each point in the contour surface bent_preds.append((get_predictions(inputs=inputs)[0].reshape(output_shape) > .5).astype( # Makes lists into ndarrays and wrap them as namedtuples bent_inputs = np.array(bent_inputs) bent_lines = np.array(bent_lines) bent_contour_lines = np.array(bent_contour_lines) bent_preds = np.array(bent_preds) line_data = FeatureSpaceLines(grid=grid_lines, input=X, contour=contour_lines) bent_line_data = FeatureSpaceLines(grid=bent_lines, input=bent_inputs, contour=bent_contour_lines) self._decision_boundary_data = FeatureSpaceData(line=line_data, bent_line=bent_line_data, prediction=bent_preds, target=y) # Creates a FeatureSpace plot object and load data into it self._decision_boundary_plot = FeatureSpace(ax, True).load_data(self._decision_boundary_data) return self._decision_boundary_plot
[docs] def build_feature_space(self, ax, layer_name, contour_points=1000, xlim=(-1, 1), ylim=(-1, 1), scale_fixed=True, display_grid=True, epoch_start=0, epoch_end=-1): """Builds a FeatureSpace object to be used for plotting and animating. The underlying data, that is, grid lines, inputs and contour lines, before and after the transformations, as well as the corresponding predictions for the contour lines, can be later accessed as the second element of the `feature_space` property. Only layers with 2 hidden units are supported! Parameters ---------- ax: AxesSubplot Subplot of a Matplotlib figure. layer_name: String Layer to be used for building the space. contour_points: int, optional Number of points in each axis of the contour. Default is 1,000. xlim: tuple of ints, optional Boundaries for the X axis of the grid. ylim: tuple of ints, optional Boundaries for the Y axis of the grid. scaled_fixed: boolean, optional If True, axis scales are fixed to the maximum from beginning. Default is True. display_grid: boolean, optional If True, display grid lines (for 2-dimensional inputs). Default is True. epoch_start: int, optional First epoch to consider. epoch_end: int, optional Last epoch to consider. Returns ------- feature_space_plot: FeatureSpace An instance of a FeatureSpace object to make plots and animations. """ # Finds the layer by name, layer = self.model.get_layer(layer_name) assert layer.output_shape == (None, 2), 'Only layers with 2-dimensional outputs are supported!' if epoch_end == -1: epoch_end = self.n_epochs epoch_end = min(epoch_end, self.n_epochs) X = self.inputs y = self.targets # Generates an indexing to fully separate negative and positive classes # It is not quite 'unshuffling', as it does not care about the order of the examples inside each class y_ind = y.squeeze().argsort() X = X.squeeze()[y_ind].reshape(X.shape) y = y.squeeze()[y_ind] input_dims = self.model.input_shape[-1] n_classes = len(np.unique(y)) # Builds a 2D grid and the corresponding contour coordinates grid_lines = np.array([]) contour_lines = np.array([]) if input_dims == 2 and display_grid: grid_lines = build_2d_grid(xlim, ylim) contour_lines = build_2d_grid(xlim, ylim, contour_points, contour_points) # Creates Keras functions to get activations for the specified layer get_activations = self._make_function(self.model.inputs, layer) # Creates Keras function to get outputs of the last layer get_predictions = self._make_function(self.model.inputs, self.model.layers[-1]) get_pred_from_act = self._make_function([layer.output], self.model.layers[-1]) # Initializes "bent" variables, that is, the results of the transformations bent_lines = [] bent_inputs = [] bent_contour_lines = [] bent_preds = [] # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] # Transforms the inputs inputs = [TEST_MODE, X] + weights bent_inputs.append(get_activations(inputs=inputs)[0]) if input_dims == 2 and display_grid: # Transforms the grid lines inputs = [TEST_MODE, grid_lines.reshape(-1, 2)] + weights output_shape = (grid_lines.shape[:2]) + (-1,) bent_lines.append(get_activations(inputs=inputs)[0].reshape(output_shape)) inputs = [TEST_MODE, contour_lines.reshape(-1, 2)] + weights output_shape = (contour_lines.shape[:2]) + (-1,) bent_contour_lines.append(get_activations(inputs=inputs)[0].reshape(output_shape)) # Makes predictions for each point in the contour surface bent_preds.append((get_predictions(inputs=inputs)[0].reshape(output_shape) > .5).astype( bent_inputs = np.array(bent_inputs) if (input_dims > 2) or (not display_grid): xlim = (bent_inputs[:, :, 0].min(), bent_inputs[:, :, 0].max()) ylim = (bent_inputs[:, :, 1].min(), bent_inputs[:, :, 1].max()) grid_contour_lines = build_2d_grid(xlim, ylim, contour_points, contour_points) # For each epoch, uses the corresponding weights for epoch in range(epoch_start, epoch_end + 1): weights = self.weights[epoch] if not scale_fixed: xlim = (bent_inputs[epoch, :, 0].min(), bent_inputs[epoch, :, 0].max()) ylim = (bent_inputs[epoch, :, 1].min(), bent_inputs[epoch, :, 1].max()) grid_contour_lines = build_2d_grid(xlim, ylim, contour_points, contour_points) # Transforms the contour lines bent_contour_lines.append(grid_contour_lines) inputs = [TEST_MODE, bent_contour_lines[-1].reshape(-1, 2)] + weights output_shape = (bent_contour_lines[-1].shape[:2]) + (-1,) bent_preds.append((get_pred_from_act(inputs=inputs)[0].reshape(output_shape) > .5).astype( # Makes lists into ndarrays and wrap them as namedtuples bent_lines = np.array(bent_lines) bent_contour_lines = np.array(bent_contour_lines) bent_preds = np.array(bent_preds) line_data = FeatureSpaceLines(grid=grid_lines, input=X, contour=contour_lines) bent_line_data = FeatureSpaceLines(grid=bent_lines, input=bent_inputs, contour=bent_contour_lines) self._feature_space_data = FeatureSpaceData(line=line_data, bent_line=bent_line_data, prediction=bent_preds, target=y) # Creates a FeatureSpace plot object and load data into it self._feature_space_plot = FeatureSpace(ax, scale_fixed).load_data(self._feature_space_data) return self._feature_space_plot