Source code for deepreplay.callbacks

from __future__ import division
import os
import numpy as np
import h5py
import keras.backend as K
from keras.callbacks import Callback

[docs]class ReplayData(Callback): """Creates an instance of a Keras Callback to collect information about the training process, mostly the weights, and store them in a group of a HDF5 file, together with inputs and targets passed as arguments. It also saves the Keras model itself, as an independent HDF5 file, named after the group_name with '_model' appended to it. Parameters ---------- inputs: ndarray An array with the inputs to be used during the training of the model. These inputs are going to be later used to generate statistics and plots. targets: ndarray An array with the targets to be used during the training of the model. These targets are going to be later used to generate statistics and plots. filename: String HDF5 filename to be used to store the collected information. It can be an existing file, as the data will be appended to it. group_name: String Group inside the HDF5 file where the information is to be saved. If the informed group name already exists, it will throw an exception. model: Keras Model, optional If provided, it will set the model directly to the callback instance and execute `on_train_begin` method to initialize all variables and create the corresponding group in the HDF5 file. This is intended to be used for analyzing the initial conditions of the model without ever calling its `fit` function, where the callback is usually called. """ def __init__(self, inputs, targets, filename, group_name, model=None): super(ReplayData, self).__init__() self.handler = h5py.File('{}'.format(filename), 'a') self.inputs = inputs self.targets = targets.reshape(len(targets), -1) self.filepath = os.path.split(filename)[0] self.filename = filename = None self.group_name = group_name self.current_epoch = -1 self.n_epochs = 0 if model is not None: self.set_model(model) self.set_params({ 'epochs': 0, 'samples': len(self.inputs), 'batch_size': len(self.inputs), }) self.group_name = group_name + '_init' self.on_train_begin() self.group_name = group_name return def _append_weights(self): """Appends the weights to the corresponding layer and weight sequence inside the group, for the current epoch. """ for i, layer in enumerate(self.model.layers): layer_weights = layer.get_weights() for j, weights in enumerate(layer_weights):['layer{}'.format(i)]['weights{}'.format(j)][self.current_epoch + 1] = weights
[docs] def get_lr(self): optimizer = self.model.optimizer return K.function(inputs=[], outputs=[ * (1. / (1. + optimizer.decay * K.cast(optimizer.iterations, K.dtype(optimizer.decay))))])(inputs=[])[0]
[docs] def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):, '{}_model.h5'.format(self.group_name))) self.n_epochs = self.params['epochs'] = self.handler.create_group(self.group_name)['samples'] = self.params['samples']['batch_size'] = self.params['batch_size']['n_batches'] = (self.params['samples'] + self.params['batch_size'] - 1) // \ self.params['batch_size']['n_epochs'] = self.n_epochs['n_layers'] = len(self.model.layers) try: # Python 2['activation_functions'] = [layer.activation.func_name if hasattr(layer, 'activation') else '' for layer in self.model.layers] except AttributeError: # Python 3['activation_functions'] = [np.string_(layer.activation.__name__) if hasattr(layer, 'activation') else np.string_('') for layer in self.model.layers]'inputs', data=self.inputs)'targets', data=self.targets)'loss', shape=(self.n_epochs,), dtype='f') for metric in self.model.metrics: metric_name = metric if callable(metric): metric_name = if hasattr(metric, 'name') else metric.__name__, shape=(self.n_epochs,), dtype='f')'lr', shape=(self.n_epochs,), dtype='f') for i, layer in enumerate(self.model.layers): layer_grp ='layer{}'.format(i)) layer_weights = layer.get_weights() for j, weights in enumerate(layer_weights): layer_grp.create_dataset('weights{}'.format(j), shape=(self.n_epochs + 1, ) + weights.shape, dtype='f') self._append_weights() return
[docs] def on_train_end(self, logs={}): self.handler.close() return
[docs] def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs={}): self.current_epoch = epoch['lr'][epoch] = self.get_lr() return
[docs] def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): self._append_weights()['loss'][epoch] = logs.get('loss') for metric in self.model.metrics: metric_name = metric if callable(metric): metric_name = if hasattr(metric, 'name') else metric.__name__[metric_name][epoch] = logs.get(metric_name, np.nan) return